List of German films 1895–1918

Cinema of Germany
Lists of German films
1895–1918 German Empire
1919–1933 Weimar Germany
1933–1945 Nazi Germany
1945–1990 East Germany
German films since 1945

This is a list of the most notable films produced in the German Empire until 1918, in year order.

It includes German films from the introduction of the medium to the resignation of the Emperor at the end of World War I. While the output of films during this period is small, and cinema was a science in its infancy, many of these films laid the groundwork for German Expressionism, as well as document a prosperous, yet foreboding, period in German history.

For an alphabetical list of articles on films of the period see Category:Early German cinema.


Title Director Cast Genre Notes
Akrobatisches Potpourri Max & Emil Skladanowsky Grunato family Documentary Release: Nov. 1
Bauerntanz zweier Kinder Max Skladanowsky Documentary Release: Nov 1
Das Boxende Känguruh Max Skladanowsky Mr Delaware Documentary Release: Nov 1
The German Emperor Reviewing His Troops Birt Acres Earliest known footage of Kaiser Wilhelm
Opening of the Kiel Canal Birt Acres Early footage of Kaiser Wilhelm
Serpentinen Tanz Max Skladanowsky Documentary Release: Nov 1
Leben und Treiben am Alexanderplatz Max Skladanowsky
Apotheose II Max Skladanowsky
Kaiser von Deutschland, der Kaiser von Österreich und der König von Sachsen am Tage der Jubiläumsfeier in Dresden English: The Kaiser of Germany, the Kaiser of Austria and the King of Saxony on the day of the Jubilee Fair in Dresden
Ecke Friedrichstraße und unter den Linden
German Lancers A parade of the famous Second Guards, one of Emperor William's favorite regiments.
When the Bugle Sounds 'Charge' An attack by the famous Second Guards Regiment of Emperor William's Army on the Paradefeld.


Title Director Cast Genre Notes
Einzug unserer Chinakrieger in Berlin am 16.12.1900 English: The Entry of Our China Soldier in Berlin on Dec. 16, 1900 (about Boxer Rebellion?)
Eine Moderne Jungfrau von Orleans Max Skladanowsky English: A Modern Maid of Orleans
Einzug der Königin von Holland mit ihrem Gemahl in Schwerin English: The Entry of the Queen of Holland with her Consort in Schwerin
Emperor William as a Hussar
When Knighthood Was in Flower
Mr. Krebs in seiner senationellen Schleifenfahrt Arthur Robison English: Mr. Krebs in his Sensational Bicycleride
Der Lustige Ehemann Otto Julius Bierbaum
The Whistling Boy Oskar Messter
Kämpfe vor Port Arthur English: The Struggle for Port Arthur
Eine Fliegenjagd oder Die Rache der Frau Schultze Max Skladanowsky English: A Flying Hunt or the Revenge of Frau Schultze
Afrikanische Kriegsbilder War documentary English: African War Pictures
Apachentanz Oskar Messter English: Apache Dance
Meißner Porzellan Franz Porten
Behüt dich Gott Franz Porten
Onkel Kühn aus Neu-Ruppin: Das ist mir ganz egal
Der Freischütz Franz Porten
Don Juan heiratet Heinrich Bolten-Baeckers
Der Luftkrieg der Zukunft Walter R. Booth
Prosit Neujahr 1910! Guido Seeber Animated film First animated German film


Title Director Cast Genre Notes
Arsène Lupin contra Sherlock Holmes Viggo Larsen
Sumurûn Max Reinhardt
Die Geheimnisvolle Streichholzdose Guido Seeber Animated film
Der Schwarze Traum Urban Gad German-Danish co-production; Danish: Den Sorte drøm
Der Arme Jenny Urban Gad English: Poor Jenny
In Nacht und Eis Mime Misu English: In Night and Ice; first Titanic film ever made
Das Mirakel Max Reinhardt
Schatten des Meeres Curt A. Stark English: In the Shadow of the Sea
Das rosa Pantöffelchen Franz Hofer Dorrit Weixler Comedy
Der Film von der Königin Luise Franz Porten English: A Film of Queen Louise; in 3 parts
Die Insel der Seligen Max Reinhardt
Der Neue Schreibtisch Karl Valentin
Der Steckbrief Franz Hofer
Der Student von Prag Stellan Rye, Paul Wegener English: A Bargain With Satan
Das Eiserne Kreuz Richard Oswald English: The Iron Cross
Der Hund von Baskerville Rudolf Meinert
Eine Venezianische Nacht Max Reinhardt
Die geheimnisvolle Villa Joe May Ernst Reicher, Werner Krauss
Fräulein Piccolo Franz Hofer Dorrit Weixler, Ernst Lubitsch Comedy
Der Golem Henrik Galeen, Paul Wegener
Homunculus Otto Rippert 6 part serial
Rübezahls Hochzeit Rochus Gliese, Paul Wegener English: Old Nip's Wedding
Tyrannenherrschaft-Aus Polens schwerer Zeit Franz Porten English: Tyrannical Overlords-From Poland's Dark Time
Der Bildnis des Dorian Gray Richard Oswald English: The Portrait of Dorian Gray
Dornröschen Paul Leni
Fidele Gefängnis Ernst Lubitsch English: The Merry Jail
Hilde Warren und der Tod Joe May Written by and starring Fritz Lang
John Bull Julius Pinschewer Animated film
Alraune, die Henkerstochter, genannt die rote Hanne Eugen Illés, Joseph Klein
Die Augen der Mumie Ma Ernst Lubitsch
Carmen Ernst Lubitsch aka Gypsy Blood
Gelbe Schein Eugen Illés English: The Devil's Pawn
Es werde Licht! Richard Oswald English: There was Light; 4 part serial
Ich möchte kein Mann sein Ernst Lubitsch
Das Rätsel von Bangalor Paul Leni, Alexander Antalffy
Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen Richard Oswald English: The Diary of a Lost Girl